Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Kween's Designs: A Shameless Plug

For those of you who don't know my mom, she is an extremely creative, multi-talented woman. Before I was born and for the first three years of my life, she was the Director of Merchandising for Contempo Casuals (now Wet Seal), then as a stay-at-home-mom she gave entrepreneuership a whirl and created Sweet Shirts in which she designed and created women's and children's clothing during the late 80s and early 90s and then had a prosperous booth at an antique store in the mid 90s. She now works at a lovely decor boutique called C'est Moi and does freelance interior design work under the name A Change of Space.

A few weeks before Baby Blev/Nugget/Hudson's arrival, my mom got the idea to hand-paint a few onesies for him. Because of my obsession with all things nest & bird surrounding my little bird's nursery, she had the idea to paint a nest on the onesie with a blue & green egg. She also created one with a bird on it. As some friends recently had babies too, she painted a few for them (some with pink & yellow eggs for girls!). I think they're so fabulous that she could sell them at baby boutiques!

Hudson's tee is signed with a "g" for Gamsie!

an example of a onesie...and up close...

Unfortunately, my mom doesn't ever think the things she creates are as fabulous as they really are, so with her permission, I'm tooting her horn and advertising for her! If you think her creations are as adorable as I do, and you have a baby or toddler you can buy for, please email her at and let her know the size and gender of your little one and she'll create a one-of-a-kind baby onesie or t-shirt for you! These hand-painted creations are $20...and if you have your own idea or want something even more unique, just ask her in your email and she may be able to paint it just for your little one. :) 


  1. YAY Kweenie! Gotta get the word out...great idea, precious design and tons of talent.
    ...some day... I'll be all droping the brag boom***Know her, wha, try re-la-ted, like S-N-L, yea we-are-tighttt, I was there, in the very room Miss Kweenie designed the original master piece.(I of course using stencils::sigh::)
    I'm so proud and they're the cutest eva!

  2. Thanks Chels for the vote of confidence and the shout out !!! Kay too...You're a nut !!! We did have fun that day !!! ox

  3. Going to email her right now! I need some for an upcoming photo shoot :) Also, side note: Bebo Norman's 'A Page Is Turned' was played at our wedding. LOVE LOVE him. His concerts are so intimate and amazing.
