Saturday, May 22, 2010

Happy Birthday to...

Who's as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside, talks faster than anyone I know, makes me laugh at least once a day, has been my best friend since the moment she was born, has never let me be the boss of her (even though Lord knows I've tried), loves me even though I love the spotlight, should be my personal shopper, and is the best aunt to Huddy??? That's right...Aunt Sissy!

She is 24 years old today and I love her with all my heart. She should be celebrated every day of the year!

Happy Birthday Linds! xoxo


  1. I TOTALLY second that, as long as I get to celebrate you as well at the same time. You both are the most-est beautiful eva!
    So happy to have been lucky enough to be here this weekend to celebrate Linds 24th with all of you. Friday night was the BEST since her 21st in Vegas, oh yea!!!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeee!!!

  2. Aww.. Thank you for the sweet shoutout. I love you soo much!!!!!! xoxo
