Friday, April 30, 2010

I love my Baby Bjorn!

Dear Readers of Mommy's Blog,

Hudson here. I just wanted to write to sing the praises of the Baby Bjorn. You see, as of the last couple of days, I've been extremely fussy if not being held--seriously--it doesn't matter if I'm asleep or awake.
I. Want. To. Be. In. Someone's. Arms.

But now that I weigh 8 lbs (well, 7lbs., 15.8oz to be exact....but Mommy said that's practically 8 lbs.), I get to hang out in the Baby Bjorn while Mommy tries to get stuff done around the house. It's the best of both worlds! She feels like she's accomplishing enough to justify spending the entire day at home (I know, I know, tell her to give herself a break...she's on Maternity Leave for crying out loud!) and I get to nuzzle up right against her! ***Sigh***

Here I am trying it out last night with Daddy.

And here's a pic of me and Mommy today! She's already done a load of laundry and we're typing this blog together! (I promise I'm in there...I was just taking a short snooze...)

Now if only we could figure out a way for her to get a shower while I'm in this thing...

1 comment:

  1. ummmm....Mommy showers only her back? No, she can wait til Daddy gets home and then she can take a shower....hee hee. She won't mind. You KNOW she smells good all the time so shower smahower, it's way more fun hanging out with you in the baby bjorn anyway. So glad you love it and it is coming in so handy! I just had a feeling about it. Love 2 U 3 + E
