Thursday, April 8, 2010

Belly Pic....1 Day from D-day

And by D-day I just mean Due Date Day!!! Who knows when the real D-day will occur...I guess only the little guy in my belly and the Big Guy upstairs!

Although....I am having irregular, small contractions and yesterday the doctor told me I was close to 2 cm dilated and stripped my membranes. If that's TMI--sorry!

I made Jay take pics of me today because I've had requests. And even though I got rained on earlier and nothing fits me right now and I was in the middle of one of those mini-contractions (which BTW are still fairly uncomfortable!) they are:

Still on the couch...before I was "ready."

Technically "ready" but looking awkward...

Laughing after a mini-contraction because Jay was giving me a hard time...he said, "Those are supposed to last a minute? That was only about 10 got a ways to go!" Thanks for the support, Jay! :)


  1. Yay! Beautiful you and Belly what sounds like could be one of the last days to get these shots. NOW send that Jay upstairs to take pix of the nursery. He needs to get used to running up and down the stairs and getting things for you and Nugget anyway.....HA! I know Jay is going be a very BIG Help when the baby arrives and I just thought he could get some practice So we can expect these pix tomorrow right?!!? But only if you get a chance to post them of course. The nursery pix would be cute with Nugget IN them!! It sounds like it's very close and any time now......:)))) Be still my heart. Mailing you a surprise today. Prayers for You & Baby Boy every hour on the hour. Curses to the states between...wish it were only a few hours drive or I'd be halfway there already, or yesterday, last week, month, oh hell you'd be sick of me already.
    All the best wishes for you and your family, ahhh...."family" so great, can't wait! Love "U"!

  2. Hey Chels,

    You look beautiful!! You been on my mind these past few weeks, as your D-D day approaches. I am so happy for you and Jay. I'm sure your family is on pins and needles waiting to meet your little angel. Well here's to your happily ever after and I wish you a safe, quick and healthy delivery. Have fun with moomyhood, you had a wonderful example of what it is to be a good mom, I can see you rocking the awesome-mom title. Have a blast and enjoy and avoid the mom jeans :) Love ya miss ya and BREATHE!
    Tae xo

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. OMG this post is hilarious to me considering those were not in fact mini-contractions... but the real deal!!! You were merely hours away... so excited!!!

  5. I just saw this post for the first time tonight....2 days after Baby Hudson arrived. Look at you in the pics...NO idea of what was to come in only a few hours. Oh....what a night !! Your bravery, stamina, and strength amaze me and you truely are my hero !! You are already such a good mommy ....Love, YOUR Mommy oxox
