Saturday, April 17, 2010

Conjunctivitis....GO AWAY.

I cried over pink eye.

I knew the first little imperfection that happened to Hudson would suck, but I had no idea just how badly it would kill me.

Yesterday, he started getting a bunch of "sleep" in his eyes and I would wipe it out with a warm, wet washcloth. But during the midnight feeding, I noticed that the gunk had taken over his right eye. And what did I do? I cried. I cried like the gunk in Hudson's eye was the end of the world. And I'm pretty sure I used the words, "He could go blind." Because I didn't know what the gunk was. So we called the Children's 24-hour hotline and I talked to a nurse who assured me he was fine since he didn't have a fever. She encouraged me to call the pediatrician in the AM. (Luckily they're open 9-11 on Saturdays for this very purpose.) So we took him in this morning, and the verdict is conjunctivitis, a.k.a. pink eye. No clue how he got it, but it's not bothering him. And the fun thing is that while we were at the pediatrician, we found out he's passed his birth weight and now weighs 7lbs. 5oz.(!) and he lost his umbilical cord crust at the office.

And he's happy as a clam. :) Case-in-point:

Hanging with Mr. Ted in his crib yesterday.

Napping with Daddy this afternoon.

Wide-eyed and beautiful in Mama's arms.

And on a separate, and super-exciting note, my friend Kelly who'd been expecting along with me had her baby boy on Thursday! His name is Kaden and Hudson can't wait to meet him!


  1. Okay I don't want to slam right past Mommies first "omg my heart will stop beating if anything is wrong with baby boys eyes/eyesight, BUT What a great pix of him all big eyed and alert in Mommies arms. Love it, Love him and can't get over how all big and "Yeah...I'm one week old". Sooooo sweet and cuuuuuute!
    Now back to you, so sorry you had a big scare or even a second of fear. Thank goodness for the hotline. And congrats on the weight gain, good job Mommy and you rock "you little stud Hud".
    And gotta love the pix of Daddy and Hudson taking a nap together. Snapped me right back to a pix of a precious angel face sleeping on her Papa's chest back in 19.., well a few years back.
    Could bust wide open with love, joy & happiness
    for you and Jay. And gettin' better at this...
    no water works......wheeeeeee!

  2. Poor Huddy Buddy!!! Glad he is OK and looks so content. I frankly think its precious that you cried over pink eye. Better to be overly cautious. xoxo
