Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Day in the Life

Wednesday 4.21.10
Hudson is 13 days old

7:30 - 8:00a.m. 1st feeding of the day! Then a little wake time and nap time in which I found time to get ready (sans shower ;)), and make our first trip out! We went to Starbucks and Target...all by ourselves! Sure, my knuckes were white from gripping the steering wheel so hard, but we did it. :)

11a.m. 2nd feeding of the day + wake time + nap time. Hudson and I hung out and then Mommy took some time to "work" (a.k.a. update my blog) around the house and have lunch.

Oh, and Ellie looked out for her brudder.

2p.m. 3rd feeding of the day + a walk around the neighborhood during which time Huddy fell asleep which gave me time to shower when we got home.

5p.m. Daddy starts heading home (yay!) and we have our 4th feeding of the day + family time once Jay's home and *hopefully* we make and eat dinner. (Or, in reality, we just have to assemble & heat thanks to generous family & friends!)

8p.m. 5th feeding and we watch our favorite shows (American Idol, Lost, Parenthood, Glee, Braves games).

11p.m. Daddy's gone to bed by now and Huddy has his last feeding of the night. This is when I start praying that he'll fall asleep immediately after...which he did NOT do last night!

4a.m. If I'm lucky, Hudson sleeps until now and we have our middle of the night feeding...and *hopefully* go back to sleep! :)

And then we start all over again!!!

This is my new life now. And I love it. I'd  always felt like God made me to be a wife and a mother, and now I'm more sure than ever! Jay and I seem to have a difficult time remembering back 14 days ago before Hudson was in our lives...

1 comment:

  1. Wowie Momma, sounds like you not only have a great schedule going with Huddy, but you both went to Target today.....congrats! Did he just love the toy dept.?? They do have a big toy dept. & if he's a good boy he could pick out a toy. No Doubt he was a good boy, of course! Love the pix with Hudson & Ellie, such a good big sissy. And Daddy w/his boy.....sweeet!
    Got ur message today....u-r so very welcome. Had so much fun sewing etc., hope some of it works:)
    When I get dates from Gamsie, w/call Delta and let ya'll excited to see you again and I can-not-wait to get some baby sugar, right from one of those sweet cheeks ahhhh......and oh.... the new angel smell. Love the new angel smell. Oh, uncle T picked out a surprise for Huddy from Disneyland when we went on his b-day 4.11.10....hee hee. Well mail it soon. Love 2 U 3 + E
