Wednesday, January 27, 2010

You Know You're Pregnant When...

....You spend close to $30 at Jason's Deli by yourself just so you can have it delivered to you at home. True Story. This is what was delivered to my home tonight.

In my defense, I was home alone tonight as Jay's out of town for work, I didn't want to leave Ellie in her crate, and I was working on a paper due tomorrow by 5 p.m. for graduate class. And what I didn't eat tonight, I can eat for lunch and/or dinner tomorrow.

That's my justification--and I'm sticking to it.

P.S. I officially can't see my feet anymore when I look straight down. Pics coming soon...


  1. Ok, I know you told me you spent $30... but the picture of all those bags makes it so much funnier! Did you tell the delivery guy you ordered that food for yourself? HAHAHAHA

  2. yum!!! Ill come bring you food for cheaper next time :)I need to see that belly...up close and personal.

  3. Oh man,I hope there was a Club Royale in there;)

  4. What a great pregnancy story !!! You can't make that stuff up !!! Next time, call Mommy...I'll bring you food !!!!oxox
