Friday, January 8, 2010

Master of Procrastination

I am THE master at Today. :)  We got a snow day in GA today and I had great intentions of all I was going to get done. Instead, I've spend much of my day on blogs and getting inspired. (Don't get me wrong, it's been super-fun, but it would have been helpful to clean out the guestroom closet since the guest room is soon going to occupy the nursery too.

But....all that being said....LOOK what I found on this blog! First of all, I'm so excited to find a blog on nurseries, but I love these prints! They are from the Wisteria catalog and are waaaaay too expensive, but do you think I should add them to my Wish List?!?! Maybe I could find a book with similar prints and rip them out and frame them on my own?!?!

1 comment:

  1. Love, Love, LOVE the bedding and the prints too. Saw really cute nest baskets in Jan. 2010 Pottery Barn catalog even made Tony take a look at them. So glad you had a wonderful time in Cabo. Thought about ya'll all that week & how you needed it!!!Loving all of your choices and ideas. Can't wait to see you!!! Thanks for posting the pix. But the
    pix of you and the grey haired guy....ur Dad? Really? nahhh, Cuz my bro, as I recall had real dark hair...hee hee! Love U 3 2 Much!
