Friday, January 15, 2010


Design blogs and Etsy are going to be the death of me. While oh-so-inspiring, I'm starting to covet other people's things, stuff I can't afford, and--most of all--other's creativity. My poor husband and mother are receiving the brunt of this. I've been newly inspired to move this piece of furniture there, to buy new dressers to be used as nightstands (courtesy of Lauren of the blog Pure Style Home), to "Whiteberry" our guestroom furniture, and create my own mobile for Baby Blev! :)  (In the meantime, I'm supposedly getting organized and ready for Nugget, taking my final two graduate classes to receive my M.A.T. in May, teaching and inspiring 9th and 10th graders in English, and trying to have a social life!) So this is what inspired me to make my own mobile. I've been searching, and searching, and just wasn't finding anything I loved. If I found a mobile with the right color scheme, it'd be planes, trains and automobiles. Or I'd find a birdie mobile, but it looked dangerous or was the wrong color scheme or looked too girly like this Bananafish one from JC Penney for only $50:

But then I found the creme de la creme--and it's $94.

I just don't know if I can bring myself to spend that on something that I know the baby really isn't even going to enjoy that much. I mean, sure, he'll stare at it from time-to-time, but it's really for me because I want his nursery to be cute. Right?!!?

So after seeing all of these different ideas, I'm now thinking that maybe I can make him one. I could buy a pattern (or maybe even create that, too) and felt and use some extra pieces of fabric from his bedding to create the perfect mobile. Here is some felt inspiration that I've found on Etsy:

(All of the above images can be found by searching "felt bird" or "felt owl" on Etsy.)

Do you all think I've finally gone crazy?!?!?

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