Friday, January 8, 2010

Nursery News

There is so much to update you all on! (I guess if I kept up with my blogging better, there wouldn't be so much to tell you in one post, right?) Let's start with Christmas. :)  I hope you had a lovely one....we sure did! It was so much fun to envision what Christmas 2010 will be like with an 8 month old! Both of our families were so precious and got Nugget awesome gifts. Jay's family surprised us with a baby bath and all the neccessities and my family surprised us with a mini-Beamer for Nugget (disguised as a gift for Jay since it's Gator orange and blue). What a fun first (in-my-belly) Christmas for Baby Blev!

Jay with his son's new BMW:

After Christmas, we had the AMAZING opportunity to go to Cabo San Lucas with my dad. What a wonderful treat! We read, laid out by the pool, ate fabulous Mexican food and seafood, and got pampered all-around.

At dinner one night:

With my dad:

Once we got home, I got into major nesting mode. While I love decorating, I've never been much of a "nester" and typically shy away from most domestic duties. But on the weekend before school started back, I found myself mopping, hanging mirrors, putting away the rest of Christmas decorations, and finally registering for Nugget's Nursery. I've posted about my ideas for his nursery, and finally started making some decisions!

This is the color palette I'm using for his bedding. (Thank you Marjorie from Customhouse Baby on for making it!):

I'm going to order this print and mat and frame it in white:

I think this style crib is our favorite. We're planning to make a decision and order one this weekend.
 (Thank you Dad!):

My mom is buying us this rocker/glider in a barely off-white (slipcovered, of course!):

And you can't forget the dresser!

Any ideas for a possible paint color?

Since we rent (and our lease is up in July), we will not be painting now. But my hope is that we will move into a three-bedroom in July so that we can have a true nursery and a true guestroom instead of a combination, and paint! I don't care if there's not another painted room in the house--I really want my son's room painted!!! That being said, I still can't wait to see what it starts to look like as we put it together. At 27 weeks (!!!) this is all becoming very real, very fast.

How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain: 16 lbs. (and my goal was 20 lbs. total--ha!)
Maternity clothes? Definitely jeans...I still <3 the GAP ones I bought forever ago...wear 'em all the time. I'm growing out of another pair of pants I have. Dresses are my best friend b/c I can still wear my favorite pre-pregnancy dresses with tights/leggings and boots--a great option for teaching!
Sleep: I HATE HATE HATE sleeping on my side! Toss and turn all night long. Miss sleeping on my back so much...
Best moment this week: Going back to school and hearing all the comments from my students about how large I've grown in the last two weeks. Kids (even teenagers) say the darndest things!
Movement: Tons...I LOVE it! I would lay by the pool in Cabo just watching my belly change shape as Nugget moved around. A-mazing.
Gender: Boy, oh boy!
Labor Signs: Nope--and no Braxton-Hicks yet either, thank God.
Belly Button in or out? Is flat an option? Either way, it's weird looking!
What I miss: Sleeping on my back!
What I am looking forward to: Sleeping on my back!
Weekly Wisdom: I got great advice about breast pumps today from a teacher friend....thank you Lori! :)
Milestones: Making decisions this week! I've always been indecisive, but when it's for your son, it's even that much harder! But it feels soo good to finally have made some. (Even if they are just about bedding!) :)

1 comment:

  1. Where'd you find the chair?? That's my dream nursery chair as opposed to the typical glider (which we'll most likely end up buying...). I'd love to get one of those in brown :)
