Sunday, February 14, 2010


If you are one of my (few) readers, and you like to peruse my blog at work (ahem, Sissy!), please quickly take note that I have added music to my blog. You might want to mute your volume now so as not to get busted. :) Otherwise, I hope you enjoy the music...feel free to introduce me to artists/songs not included on my playlist. And if the music really irks you...let me know that too. This blog is for you guys (well, and for me too, let's be honest) and if you don't like it, I can easily remove it! Happy Valentine's Day! XOXO


  1. YOU CAN ADD MUSIC?? I'm impressed that you can do that and that you know how to do it.
    Like the music. Now I'll have to sign in for longer and listen to more of it.
    Hope to see you in 3 or so days from today, Happy Valentine's Day to you 3.

  2. Well.....You KNOW I love the music !!! Just makes the experience that much better and makes me want to read more !!!! I use it as my radio while I'm in the kitchen...good job with the music choices!!!

  3. Aunt K--we can't wait to see you!!!! :) 2 days and counting...

    Mom--haha--you WOULD comment on the music choices...since you picked most of them out!! sorry for not giving you credit! xoxo

  4. Motherhood is a thankless job Chels !!!! ox

  5. Thanks for the warning!!!!!!!! But I like the music too.. even at work! ha
