Friday, February 12, 2010

Snowed In

I'm 32 weeks pregnant!!! I came to the realization tonight that we will have a son--for the rest of our life--in 8 weeks...or more...or less...(!!!) Life is about to change greatly, and while I seem to be slightly panicking, Jay is nothing short of thrilled and ready to have a baby. I am so grateful for his laid-back attitude...he's going to make such a great daddy!

Tonight was supposed to be a fun night with friends, but the snow got in the way. The mini-dog sure loved trying to eat it all though!

I'm so excited that my family is growing...I mean, look at how cute they are!
While it's BEAUTIFUL, we were certainly bummed to be snowed in our respective homes. I think that's about 2 1/2" GA(!) and it was still snowing...

But Jay and I decided to make the most of it!

Hard at work...

Or hardly working!

And look at how the hard work paid off!

I can't wait until Baby Blev is maxin' and relaxin' in there!

Apparently Ellie is sniffing around for her little brother too...

But all that snow and hard work wore us out!

As you read this, if you are in one of the 49 states where it's currently snowing, I hope you are warm and snuggly!


1 comment:

  1. You guys look like you had a fun evening anyway !!! You made lemonade out of lemons didn't you??? Get ready for many more evenings like that.....a lifetime of them...because YES my will have a sone for the rest of your life!!!!! What an amazing miracle !!!! Love you all...oxox
