Monday, September 28, 2009

Lemon Drops or Ultra-Screen

I think I had my first true craving yesterday. I had to have Lemon Drops. (Not that I've eaten them since I was like 10, but all of a sudden I could taste them in my mouth and had. to. have. one.) Luckily, I realized this as Jay and I were headed to Pops and Gaga's house (Jay's parents) so we stopped at Publix. They were out of Lemon Drops. Grrr. Not to worry! There's a CVS right across the road. They didn't have them either. I was incredulous. Who stocks these candy shelves?!?!? I settled for Mike and Ikes (of which I finished off the box in one night) only to decide on the way home that I still wasn't satisfied. So I made Jay stop at the Walgreen's on the way home. Lo and behold, Walgreen's was my savior-of-the-night. They had Lemonheads. Though looking back on it now, I still feel like I settled.

This is what I got.

And this is what I wanted. I think I'll have to go on another run today.

On a more serious note, I'm scheduled to have an Ultra-Screen tomorrow at my 2nd OB appointment which screens for Down Syndrome and Trisomies 18 and 13. I'm having a really difficult time deciding whether or not to have the screening. There's only 1 pro: Jay missed the first ultra-sound and I would love for him to get to see the baby and hear the heartbeat (and I wouldn't mind another peek!). The con is just that I think it might cause more anxiety than is necessary. Of course there's going to be some chance that Birdie could have a birth defect; but it's not going to change my mind about anything and I've heard horror stories about parents preparing and planning for a baby with a birth defect for months, only to give birth and find out it's perfectly healthy. So today I'm calling our insurance to find out if the Ultra-Screen is 100% covered. If it's not, then that'll make my decision not to do it. If it is, then I have to go from there...

1 comment:

  1. Loving these posts! Makes me feel as it I were in Georgia rather than in Texas so keep them coming. I have a thought about the sex of Birdie but will wait until after the 15th to vote - just to see if my thought process is even somewhat close! See you on the 24th.

    Love you both,...and Birdie

