Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'm pregnant!!!

I've been waiting to create this blog until I was "fully out" with the pregnancy, but then I realized that I could make it private. So if you're reading this blog, then I've invited you to join in on this crazy journey that I've begun! By the end of this week, I plan to have told work and my students and the remainder of my close friends who don't know yet.

Today, I am officially 11 weeks, 4 days pregnant. According to some of the websites I now read daily, Baby Blev (or Nugget, as Linds aptly named it) is starting to grow fingernail beds and hair follicles! Though I've now been to the doctor, saw the ultrasound and heard the heartbeat, it's still hard to believe. :)

While I am experiencing nausea, I haven't had a bad bout of morning sickness. And hopefully the nausea I am experiencing will be gone in another couple of weeks! Linds told me yesterday that she's ready for me to start showing....part of me feels the same way. At least if I look pregnant, then maybe I'll feel pregnant! But so far, the only "bump" I get is bloating at the end of the day. The good news there is....I haven't gained any weight yet....yay!

Here's the proof of the pregnancy. Yes, I took 3 tests because I just couldn't seem to believe the first....or the second.... :)  I know, eww, I peed on these! Also, you can't see the (+) sign very well. Sorry!

And here's my first "bump" picture taken at 10 weeks....obviously at the end of the day. (The kangaroo pouch on the dress probably doesn't help, either.) As soon as I can get to a scanner, I'll scan in the pics of Nugget from the ultrasound.


  1. yay yay yay!!! So glad you created a blog and are almost completely "out"! Love you and Nugget!!! Oh yeah.. and Jay.

  2. Chels and Jay, I'm ecstatic! I cannot wait to see you all. I'm so happy that you're blogging about Nugget and you two through this process...I'm missing out in Nashville. BTW, you have only a short 6 months or less to come visit us before Nugget comes!

  3. YIPPEE !!!!!! So happy there is a blog now to follow the progress of your journey to motherhood. Enjoy this time and take good care of yourself and "Nugget" !!! Love to you and Jay !!

    With excitement,
    Mom oxox

  4. Soooooo excited and can't wait to see you!!!!
    Love the new Blog. I've started saving $ as I would like to come to a baby shower AND to come back sometime after "Nugget" arrives. I just need to see the little darlin' when their still in that nugget stage. I promise to stay with your Mom.....ha! I can't wait, so happy and excited for U & J. Love U 3 so very much.
