Friday, December 31, 2010

Top 10 in 2010

Happy Last Day of 2010!!

I'm well aware I haven't blogged in over a month, and for that I apologize. But, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas and are looking forward to the New Year....and we wish and hope the same for you and yours! I've seen + heard about other bloggers doing this and thought it only appropriate that I at least blog again before the end of 2010. These are our families top events throughout the year in chronological order...

10. Hudson's BIRTHday....of course!
Sure, this was 4 months into the year, but Jay and I are pretty sure that nothing cool happened to us in those days before April 8, 2010. Hudson has blessed our lives more than we could have ever imagined and has made this year the best we've ever had!

9. Graduating from Grad School
I'm still not sure how I managed to finish grad school in the month after Hudson was born, but on May 22, 2010 (my Sissy's 24th birthday) I graduated with my Master's in Teaching and got a nice pay raise! Thank you to my understanding professor's at Mercer University! (This pic was from a little graduation party we had since I chose not to "walk" at graduation.)

8. Grams turned 90!!!
And Jay and his family got to go out to Electra, TX to celebrate with her. Unfortunately, we decided it was best for Hud and I to stay behind, but we were celebrating Grams in spirit!

7. My 1st Mother's Day
What is there to say? I finally understand why mothers around the world looooove this holiday. I love being a Mommy!!!

6. Jay's 1st Father's Day
We celebrated with a Father's Day breakfast at J. Christopher's with Jay's family. I got a yucky stomach bug later, but that gave Jay more time to just hang out with his favorite little guy.

In July we went on a family vacation with Jay's family to Seaside, Florida...a.k.a. my favorite place in the world. My family used to vacation there every Spring Break and it's my little Heaven on Earth. Our plan is to make it an annual fingers are crossed!

4. Linds + Bryan got Engaged!!!
On August 6, 2010, Bryan proposed to my sister in Laguna Beach, CA and we got to surprise her and showed up moments after he popped the question and spent the night with them celebrating! It couldn't have happened without our parents and we thank them for that....we will never forget it! If you want to read more about their engagement story, read it here.

3. Thanksgiving

Pics from our Thanksgiving weekend....we have so much for which to be thankful!

2. Atlanta's 1st White Christmas in 100+ years

This would have been my favorite Christmas anyway (it's like being a kid again when you're the parent!), but then it snowed for the first time on Christmas day in Atlanta in over 100 years! And it didn't just snow, we got multiple inches, and it stayed for days! It was so pretty, and even though Huddy won't remember it, we have pictures to prove to him that it snowed on his first Christmas (and probably the only time it will in his lifetime).

1. Booked our Trip to Meet Hud's Great-Grandpa + Grandma (although it'll happen in early 2011)...what a way to ring in the New Year! We can't wait to see them in Arizona!

I hope 2011 brings you as much joy as 2010 brought us, and may God bless you!

1 comment:

  1. Love the Top 10. LOVE the photos, great job Sweet Girl. My favorite photo is of Hudson....hee hee!
    So happy you had a extra time to put this very fun
    list together. WHAT a GREAT YEAR! Best Wishes for 2011 to you and yours. Love2U3+E
