Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hudson @ 5 and 6 months!!!

Hello?!?! Is anyone there?!?!

Probably not, but in case there's a lone soul out there who still checks my blog, here's a sampling of the latest pics of Huddy Buddy from the past month....

Chillin' on his tummy, playing, wanting to crawl...@ 5 months

The best "nest" picture I got of Hud @ 5 months...except I forgot the egg! Grr...

Comforting the sweet boy after he decided he no longer liked the "nest."

One more try....

Okay...we'll just play with the egg on Mommy's lap then!

Seriously--he's that happy. And he makes me that happy!

Sitting all by himself....the day before turning 6 months old.

He's loving being able to sit by himself!

Those eyes. Those cheeks. Those lips.

And this is the other face he makes when he's not smiling. So serious and deep in concentration!

Happy 6 month birthday Hudson!
Opening up his half-birthday present. :)


Mmmm....the citron block is yummy!

We got to have a play date on my furlough day with Kelly and Kaden! It was so precious to watch the boys interact with each other for the first time.

Kade was waaay better at "army crawling!" That smirk on his face reads: Eat. My. Dust.

His 6 month "nest" photo shoot went much better than @ 5 mos. now that he thinks he's a big boy.

....I'd really like to take a bite outta this egg....

Well, that all for now. I'd like to say you'll hear from me soon, but who knows when the next time will be. At least know I have ideas for future posts that I would love to work on when I find the time. ;)


  1. YAY! Look at you busy girl.....all caught up on one post. It is clearly understood there are priorities!
    Hudson being No. 1 and it is very evident your a fantastic Mommy cuz he is so happy. LOVE the pics of his wonderful happy face. CAN NOT get over that he is sitting up and trying to crawl...!!! Save me some of that yummy sugar Mommy. Can't wait.....3 days Yum Yum!

  2. There are still some of us loyal followers out here....checking now and then to see if you have had time to do a post. And boy, was this worth waiting for. Love the pics !! The 6 month nest pic turned out much better than the 5 month. Good job mommy !!

  3. Love the pics-- Kaden and Huddy already in competition ;)
    Miss you guys already, can't wait for the next playdate!!!
