Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday + Hudson @ 2 Months

Since I'll be keeping track of my healthy eating, exercising, and weight loss on here, I decided Hump Day would make for a nice update-day. (Why? Because it's the middle of the week, rather than the beginning or end, and because of the alliteration! I am an English teacher, afterall!)

Drum roll please....

Week 1 Total Weight Loss = 2.5 lbs.(!!!)

And now for the honesty. Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred is hard! So hard in fact, that I've only been doing it every other day. On the off days I've walked or done push-ups, crunches, and stretched. I just don't have the endurance that I used to. I'm really hoping to build that back up!

And for the good stuff....

Yesterday was Huddy's 2 month Birthday! And he was such a trooper with my silly pictures. :)

How old?: 2 months
Weight?: 11lbs. 7oz.
Length: 23"
Size clothes: Mostly 0-3 months...he can still fit into a few newborns and has worn a couple 3-6 mos., but they're a little big!
Movement: He absolutely loves to stand on our laps while we hold him under his arms and look all around. He also loves looking in mirrors. (I would too if I looked like him!)
Stretch marks?: Yep. Using Mederma to try and get rid of them. Good news is that my belly button is starting to look more normal and my linea nigra has faded significantly!
Sleep?: We're going to drop the middle of the night feeding this weekend...wish us luck!!!
Weight loss: 22.5 lbs. Jillian is kicking my butt!
What I'm looking forward to: Going to the beach with the Hudster and Hubby's fam in July!
Best moment of the month: I'm turning my worst moment of the month into the best...comforting my son (or him comforting me!) after his 2-month-old shots.


  1. Oh My Goodness Gracious, so proud of your progress and how good your are doing Momma Bird. But.....I don't know how to feel about 2 month shots..:(
    I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit when I read that. I want to cry and feel sad for you and for Huddy Buddy. I know vac's are necessary, but aren't they all in liquid form by NOW??? There should be NO poking of needles on our darling sweetest boy in the whole world! Just-Break-My Heart! O.k. I'm going to hang on to the last lines you wrote "Huddy comforting you".....whew, as a really good thing. Oh geez that makes me want to cry just thinking about that.....what a wonderful baby boy......AMAZING......LOVE YOU TWO!!!

  2.'s hump day.....neeeed my Momma Bird

    Kiss Huddy Buddy from Anut Kay
