Tuesday, October 13, 2009

14 Weeks

Does anybody else think my "bump" is way high?!?! Actually, I think my true baby bump is lower, but everything is being shoved up so I have all this swelling above the bump too. Nice. My stomach is gross. I'm so ready to have a cute baby bump and not a fat, I-eat-too-much-and-never-work-out belly.

I can't believe I've lived my entire teenage (yes, I was thinking about mommy-hood even then) and adult life thinking I wouldn't want to know the sex of my baby when I got pregnant some day. Boy, was I wrong! It's all I can think about now! I feel like I can't do anything until I know if Nugget is a He-Nugget or She-Nugget. So I browse online at strollers, cribs, car seats, clothes, etc. feeling like I can't connect to any of it until I know if my son or daughter will be using it. I'm sure Jay is just loving this because he has said all along that he'd want to find out when we got pregnant some day, and I would just roll my eyes as if to say, "tough luck, buddy, if I don't want to know, then you ain't gonna know" and now here I am dying to know and I still have 6 more weeks before my next ultrasound!!


  1. All I can say is "Never say never !!!!" You will eat your words many times as a parent so be careful of what you say and how you say it !!! Children teach you so many lessons in life !!!

  2. Me too...I want to know....I'm DYING to know. I look and look and want to shop for little Nuggeter or Nuggetee and go back and forth realizing I should wait so when you find out I can follow the colors you choose. I am soooo excited, I think about all of you a lot. Yes, I'm still out of work so ya'll are on my mind everyday! I cry a little and laugh a lot. Can't wait to see Nugget in Grandbirds arms hee hee! We'll melt like butt'a!

  3. I was just reading my "what to expect" book and it says that in the 4th month (which we're in) your uterus actually does start moving up... so I think your baby bump might actually be uterus and baby and not just other stuff. haha
    I think mine developed over the weekend-- literally all the sudden my pants are so tight only where they button. Craziness!
